It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to Shamit School – a holistic learning experience for your little ones. Our holistic approach develops the body, mind and spirit of our learners. With high academic standards, we focus on fulfilling the potential of students both inside and outside the classrooms. The result is, therefore, that when our students step out to seek the next step of education, they are well-equipped with the knowledge, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities and useful skills required in our global culture. We constantly help them to become self-directed, responsible and realistic decision makers with the ability to solve any problem in this ever-changing multicultural world. The campus, sports and academic facilities all bear testimony to this effort.
We are a school that focuses on high standards of achievement, and a place where students are encouraged and supported to excel. Our constant endeavour is to nurture and inspire every Shamitian by providing them an environment that is child –centric conducive to learning. To facilitate this, we create an atmosphere that is warm, friendly and supportive to children. Our mentors, are not authority-wielding figures for children but friendly mentors and guides who ensure that the classroom is an emotionally safe space where children can dig deeper and take risks with their imagination and blossom without any fear of being judged.
We are confident that this school is the best place for your child. We welcome your active interest and involvement in the progress and activities of your child. We look forward to making these years the best years for your little ones.